February 17th Meeting

February 17th Meeting

We will be back at Elijah’s for our regular meeting on Monday, February 17 at 6:30pm. This month we are fortunate to have Dr. Rebecca Fielding-Miller presenting on Banned Words and Bad Science: How “dei” attacks are dismantling American science, why it matters, what you can do. In other news, the horrific fires have placed climate […]

Endorsement Meeting

Endorsement Meeting

As you may know, a special election has been scheduled for April 8, 2025 to fill the vacancy at the County Board of Supervisors in District One. This is your official notice that on Saturday, February 8, the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County will attempt to endorse in the special election. The meeting […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We had a nice turnout for our winter social! Thanks to all who came and to all of you who attended meetings this year! For January, we will not have our usual meeting and instead encourage you to attend the 7th Annual Women of Color Roar Breakfast on Saturday, February 1st! The […]

Holiday Party Dec. 14

Holiday Party Dec. 14

Please come and bring a friend! RSVP here for location https://www.eventbrite.com/e/democratic-womans-club-holiday-party-2024-tickets-1088148183509

November 18th Meeting

November 18th Meeting

Our next meeting is on Monday, November 18th. We will gather to check in on one another. Your work mattered! We will recap the wins in our state and local elections and discuss where to go from here. All Democrats are welcome and there’s no need to pre register. Check in starts at 6:00pm and the meeting begins […]

October 21st Meeting

October 21st Meeting

Save the date for our next working meeting! We will meet at Elijah’s on Monday, October 21 at 6:30pm. The good people from Supervisor Terra Lawson Remer’s campaign will walk us through the basics of text banking. We also have a couple hundred more postcards to write to swing states. Democratic Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer is an economist, attorney, […]

September 16th Meeting

September 16th Meeting

Monday, September 16 is our next meeting when we will write postcards with San Diego Women for Harris. We will also hear from Victoria Plettner-Saunders of Vopro Pros about multi-state strategies and campaigning opportunities. Check in starts at 6:00pm and the meeting begins at 6:30pm. Elijah’s Restaurant is located at 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. If you can’t make it in person, please use this […]