February 17th Meeting

shared on 02/12/2025

We will be back at Elijah’s for our regular meeting on Monday, February 17 at 6:30pm. This month we are fortunate to have Dr. Rebecca Fielding-Miller presenting on Banned Words and Bad Science: How “dei” attacks are dismantling American science, why it matters, what you can do.

In other news, the horrific fires have placed climate change top of mind. We will be joined by Chris Muñoz from I Love a Clean San Diego to discuss real ways individuals can reduce their impact on the environment through simple steps, focusing on topics such as proper recycling practices and creating zero waste habits.

We will also be electing Club Officers

Please join us at Elijah’s or virtually here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpdOihqz0vGtOTpRtm29AUFVGLin2leJJ3

If you have not yet done so, take a moment to renew your 2025 membership now:

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