Sexual Assault Awareness

shared on 07/14/2023

Whereas, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) seeks to raise public awareness about sexual violence, educates communities on how to prevent it, and calls attention to the fact that sexual assault is widespread and impacts millions of adults, teenagers, and children; and

Whereas, One out of every six women nationwide have been victims of rape, and sexual assault affects individuals across all ages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and of all racial, social, religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, and while these victims and survivors include every demographic, these crimes disproportionately victimize children, members of the transgender community, historically disadvantaged people of color, and houseless individuals; and

Whereas, According to the California Department of Justice, the San Diego Police Department has the most untested rape and sexual assault forensic evidence kits in the State, many of which date back decades; and

Therefore be it resolved, that the San Diego County Democratic Party calls upon elected officials and law enforcement agencies to become better educated and to educate the public during Sexual Assault Awareness Month as well as report to the public all educational measures taken in the preceding year, and to strengthen policies and programs that help reduce these incidents and provide justice to survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape in San Diego County.

Therefore be it further resolved, that the San Diego County Democratic Party calls upon local law enforcement agencies to provide annual reports to the public, city councils, educational agencies and the County Board of Supervisors on the backlog of untested sexual assault evidence kits and the measures being taken to eliminate the backlog.

*In addition, the resolution gained unanimous support in a vote taken at the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County meeting on April 17, 2023.



Lori Saldaña, California Assembly Speaker ProTempore (retired) & 
Danny Avitia (President, San Diego Downtown Democratic Club)


Executive Board, Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County*

John Loughlin (Former Director of Clubs, San Diego County Democratic Party)

Susan Peinado (Past President/Founding member, Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County)

David Milroy (Central Committee Alternate)