Hello ,
Below are resources and a recap from our February meeting. Please reach out if there is something you don’t see.
Call to Order
President Cathie Hyatt 6:30pm
Agenda Approval Unanimous
M: Hannah Green
Elected Officials/Representatives
Jose Preciado Councilman in District 2 Chula Vista
Officer Elections: Susan Peinado
Thanks to Andrea Cubitt for her service as our Internal VP
Slate of Club Officer nominees
President - Cathie Hyatt
Internal VP - Amber Niuatoa
Secretary - Hannah Green
Membership - Patricia Wojdowski
Motion to elect the slate by acclamation: Lori Saldaña
Slate approved unanimously
Presentation: Dr. Rebecca Fielding-Miller, Banned Words and Bad Science: How "dei" attacks are dismantling American science, why it matters, what you can do.
Call/write your elected officials everyday
Useful apps - Resist Bot, 5 Calls
Letters to the Editor
March for Science 3/7/25
Presentation: Chris Muñoz, I Love a Clean San Diego
cleansd.org/events for upcoming events
Business (Unfinished/New)
External VP Susan Peinado: 1619 Celebration of Black Women quilt update w/ Sheryl Mallory-Johnson
Officer Reports
President Cathie Hyatt:
Thank you to tech team
External VP Susan Peinado
SD Progressive Women’s Collective Kirsten Thrush re Economic Blackout 2/28 https://www.signsofjustice.com/products/contact-congress-postcards
Wendy Gelernter https://swingleft.org/group/take-action-san-diego
Tama Becca w/ Change Begins With ME (Indivisible) 2025 GOTV Post-carding Program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBysWS7EmdBhEvqVSWuYrlN8zQzn6IbZMPu6DPwgv6DdhX_Q/viewform
Treasurer Beatrice Cubitt
$3600 in DWC account
Membership Director Patricia Wojdowski
Don’t forget to renew for 2025
Media Director Angela de Joseph
Thank you to the WOCR volunteers
Join BAWR! blackandafricanwomenrise.org
Director of Community Relations Alyce Pipkin-Allen
Happy to be on DWC board
Michelle Krug strike at Kaiser continues for 126+ days https://nuhw.org/kaiserhardshipfund/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Amber Niuatoa North County African American Women’s Association https://www.ncaawa.org/womensconference
Lori Saldaña National Environmental Policy Act up for elimination - let congress know you want to protect it!
Michele Krug last time to vote in the ADEM elections - this is the LAST weekend, questions see Michele CADEM.org
Ellen Nash BAPAC collaborating w/ AAPI Dem Club on 3/5/25
Bertha Lopez endorsement vote for Board of Supervisors D1 scheduled tomorrow at 5pm in the South area
Download the DWC-SD app wherever you get your apps
President Cathie Hyatt 8:23pm
Don’t miss The MoGo 5 Year Gala and Celebration 3/7/25 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mogo-5-gala-celebration-tickets-1143177788539?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios
Thank you,
Cathie Hyatt
DWC President