Final Call

Written on 02/07/2025
Democratic Woman's Club

Hello ,
Please register here for the special DWC zoom meeting to consider endorsing for San Diego County Board of Supervisors District 1 on Saturday , February 8 at 2PM:

Reminder: you must have attended two meetings, as a member, in the last twelve months and have renewed your 2025 membership to be eligible to vote on endorsements.

You have until 12pm, Saturday 2/8 to renew your 2025 membership:Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County | Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego County (Powered by Donorbox)

If you are a voting member, you will receive a separate email containing your personal ballot. You may vote at anytime before voting closes at the end of our endorsement meeting on February 8. You do not need to attend the meeting to vote.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Call to Order - Endorsement Chair, Mandy Havlik

  • Agenda Approval

  • Welcome and Introduction

  • Roll Call - Confirm attendance of members and establish a quorum.

  • Review of Endorsement Process- Explanation of the endorsement process and criteria for considering candidates.

  • Endorsement Consideration San Diego County Board of Supervisors D1 Candidates:

  1. Paloma Aguirre

  2. Carolina Chavez

  3. Vivian Moreno

  • Endorsement Results

  • Closing Remarks

  • Adjournment

Thank you,
Cathie Hyatt 
DWC President

The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.

We are dismantling the patriarchy.
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