Hello ,
Below are resources and a recap from our September meeting. Please reach out if there is something you don’t see.
September 16th, 2024
Call to Order
President Cathie Hyatt 6:31pm
Agenda Approval
M: Hannah Green
Candidate Comments
Ann Crosbie candidate for MiraCosta Area 5 - AnnCrosbie.org
Dr. Brenda Miller Grossmont Healthcare Board of Directors Zone 3 https://www.facebook.com/electnursemiller votenursemiller.com. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nurse-brenda-miller-phd-bab99112/r https://www.facebook.com/votenursemiller/ https://twitter.com/votenursemiller?
Jackson Rodelander for Congresswoman Sara Jacobs https://sarajacobsforca.com/
Mayor Raquel Vasquez candidate for reelection of Mayor of Lemon Grove www.racquelvasquez.com/
Multi-state strategies and campaign opportunities with Victoria Plettner-Saunders of Vopro Pros
Postcards with Wendy Wheatcroft of San Diego Women for Harris
SD Women for Harris https://www.facebook.com/groups/1556906584855966
San Diego Women for Harris Linktree https://linktr.ee/sd_women4harris
Postcard writing activity to be mailed on 10/29
Business (Unfinished/New)
Letter to Central Committee prioritizing expenditures on Board of Supervisors race
Yvonne Elkin motions to sign onto letter of support
Motion carries unanimously
Yvonne Elkin motions to donate $1000 to Communities United for Terra Lawson Remer for Supervisor 2024
Speakers for and against
Motion carries unanimously
Amber Kae Niuatoa hosting community donation drive for families with young children from Oct 1st-8th in Oceanside at various locations https://www.amberkae4oside.com
Officer Reports
Susan Peinado External VP
Office for Kamala Harris opened at the Jacobs Center, for volunteer forms contact Cynara 619-208-0567
Fundraiser on 9/28 for Dr. LaShae Sharp Collins at Lori Blacks house from 2pm-4pm. Alyce Pipkin Allen taking reservations alyce10@yahoo.com
Beatrice Cubitt Treasurer
$3600 in DWC account
Patricia Wodjowski Membership Director
If anyone is interested in being an Officer please contact Patricia Wodjowski patriciawojdowski@yahoo.com
President Cathie Hyatt
Ocean Beach/Point Loma Dem Club will be discussing CA ballot measures and props - Sun Sept 22 at 4pm, 3035 Telbot St, SD 92106
BAPAC will be discussing CA ballot measures and props Sept 26 at 5:30pm, Educational Cultural Complex 4343 Oceanview Blvd. SD 92113 register here
CA Women’s Museum Building Bridges Lessons from Leaders on Sept 28 at 4pm, https://www.simpletix.com/e/building-bridges-lessons-from-women-leader-tickets-180145
Carpool Caravan to Yuma from 9/27-9/29 with Cynara 619-208-0567 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfS9Aa17253cUpeD4yzqwvh1MfmNScnhpZAgwtnDBGDmc_Q-w/viewform
Download the DWC Mobile app wherever you get your apps!!
Mary Petrowski with Go Team! Final training sessions is the Thursday https://www.sddemocrats.org/goteam.html
Group photo with Kamala banner
Steve Jesionka asking for volunteers for Oktoberfest - 10/4-10/6 lamesaoktoberfest.org
Celebration of Life for Eric Sept 26
President Cathie Hyatt 8:13pm
Thank you,
Cathie Hyatt
DWC President