Remembering Rebecca "Becca" Taylor

Written on 07/19/2024
Democratic Woman's Club

Hello ,
We are devastated and heartbroken to learn that our friend and San Diego County Democratic Party Chair Rebecca “Becca” Taylor has tragically passed away.

A Veteran of the United States Navy, throughout her life, Chair Becca Taylor stood up and organized tirelessly to support numerous civil rights and social justice initiatives. Her passion for equity and fairness drove her to be a vocal and active participant in the fight for the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background. Becca was a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for those who sought to make a positive change in the world.

In addition to her advocacy work, Becca played a pivotal role in San Diego’s political landscape. She was instrumental in guiding our Democratic clubs to organize, strategize, and ultimately elect numerous candidates who shared her vision of a more just and equitable society. Her strategic acumen, coupled with her ability to bring people together, made her an invaluable leader and trailblazer. Becca’s positive spirit was a light in an often turbulent landscape.

Becca was a friend to all and to all a friend.

Our condolences go out to her immediate family and friends. We all share in our collective grief during this time.

Friends will gather to remember Becca until 9:00 tonight. Please join if you are able.
