July Meeting Minutes

shared on 07/17/2024

Call to Order

  • President Cathie Hyatt 6:31pm
  • Agenda Approval
    • M: Hannah Green
      • Unanimously approved
  • Candidate Comments
    • n/a
  • Elected Officials/Representatives
    • Doug Case with updates from CA Senate President Pro Tem Emeritus Toni Atkins 
  • Congresswoman Sara Jacobs
  • Endorsement Consideration: Grossmont Healthcare District Zone 3
    • Mandy Havlik introducing Dr. Brenda Miller & Nadia Farjood, candidates fro Grossmont Healthcare District Zone 3
    • Dr. Brenda Miller allotted 5 minutes to speak
    • Nadia Farjood allotted 5 minutes to speak
    • Speakers for and against
    • Results
      • Nadia Farjood – 16
      • Dr. Brenda Miller – 17
      • No endorsement – 1
    • 60% threshold was not meant therefore, no endorsement was made
    • Susan Peinado motions that both candidates are rated “acceptable”
      • Motion passes unanimously
  • Business (Unfinished/New)
    • Please fill out postcards to ban child marriage in CA
    • Doug Case asks if we are taking positions on the propositions
      • Endorsement committee to look at props and decide which ones to take position on
    • Nancy Casady with a reminder to get everyone you know to VOTE
  • Officer Reports
    • Membership Director Patricia Wojdowski
      • 124 DWC members
    • Treasurer Beatrice Cubitt
      • $4200 in DWC account
    • External VP Susan Peinado
      • Don’t let candidates divide us
    • Director of Community Relations Alyce Pipkin-Allen
      • BAWR wants DWC to join in helping educate and inform the community re Project 2025 Live Well Center in Southeast San Diego
    • Internal VP Dr. Andrea Cubitt
      • ICPD30 technology to transform the lives of women and girls
      • Social media has become a deterrent/tactic to stop women from running
    • Endorsement Chair Mandy Havlik
      • “Thank You” for filling out postcards
      • Attending child bride demonstration in San Jose, CA
    • President Cathie Hyatt
      • Dems Club Summit on 8/3 10am-5pm City College, first 200 people get free lunch, lots of great speakers
      • Motion to sponsor event at $250 level
        • M: Nancy Casady
          • Passes unanimously
    • Media Director Angela de Jospeh
      • Bringing back the WOCR radio show on Saturdays at 10amstarting 7/27 on KNSJ 89.1FM
  • Announcements
    • Jackson w/ Congresswoman Sara Jacobs is walking at Pride in Hillcrest this weekend, come join! Get there at 930am on July 20th
    • Stephanie Wells, The Safety Act AB 1955 was signed by Governor Newsom today!
    • Lauren Bier for Dr. Darshana Patel, Speaker Rivas holding a fundraiser this Saturday https://patelforassembly.com/
    • Nancy Casady invites members to join on Saturday mornings, 1030am, at the OB Post Office to write letters to Joe Biden to address the current climate crisis
    • John Loughlin asks we use the Ride United App instead of Uber or Lyft for your ride share https://utwsd.org/ride-united-app/
    • Don’t forget to download the DWC app. Search DWC-SD wherever you download your mobile apps
  • Adjourn
    • President Cathie Hyatt 7:49pm
  • Next meeting – August 19th Summer Social, 6:00pm at Elijah’s. Join us to watch the Democratic National Convention!